
  • Three Signs That Your Hearing Aids Can No Longer Help You Hear

    If you have been wearing hearing aids for a long time and find that suddenly you do not hear as well as you used to, it may not be your hearing aids at all. Hearing loss continues as you age, and if your parents had progressive, age-related hearing loss, you probably will too. Here are some signs that indicate that your new hearing problems may have nothing to do with your hearing aids and why it is possible that hearing aids may no longer be able to help you.
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  • Sleeping With A Dog: Is It Really Unhealthy?

    Dog parents frequently sleep with their beloved pets. Although this act is certainly better than sleeping with the fishes, it has critics who insist that it isn't healthy for a variety of reasons. If you have a dog or dogs, should you make them sleep in their own beds? Pros If you love your dog, sleeping with them can offer you a number of emotional benefits. If you are single, having a companion who will snuggle with you can make you feel loved.
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  • 3 Non-Surgical Bladder Control Treatments For Stress Incontinence

    Stress incontinence is one of the main bladder control problems that affect women. This condition is when you leak urine from exercising, sneezing, laughing and coughing. It does not occur from mental stress. Stress refers to the pressure that is put on your bladder. When you have strong pelvic and sphincter muscles, they can handle the pressure from sneezing, laughing, exercising or coughing. On the other hand, weak muscles tend to push out urine from any sudden pressure.
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  • Acne, Shmacne: What Microneedling Can Do For Your Acne Scars

    Acne is, unfortunately, a skin condition that happens to most people during their lives, albeit in differing degrees of severity. But whether you have had terrible acne or if you just couldn't stop yourself from popping those pimples, chances are very good that you have at least a few acne scars – and that you'd like to get rid of those scars if at all possible. The good news is that getting rid of those scars is, in fact, possible, through a relatively new collagen-boosting technique.
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  • 2 Herbal Teas To Help Calm Your Child Before They Get Their Immunizations

    Adults of all ages sometimes still have trouble attending scheduled doctor's visits if it has anything to do with getting shots. It is understandable that your child may throw a tantrum or cry when the idea of getting their immunization is brought up. While many children would like to skip this stage of their doctor visit, getting immunizations helps to protect your child and other children from the spread of diseases. Therefore, it is important to calm your child before arriving at the doctor's office in order to ensure that the process goes as smooth as possible.
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  • What You Can Learn From Your Parents' Heart Disease and Treatments

    If one or both of your parents suffer from heart disease, you may be greatly concerned for their health and well-being. While you are rightly concerned for their health and curious about their heart-disease treatment options and choices, you may also want to think about what you can learn about taking care of your health from what your parents are experiencing now. Get to know some of the facts that you may be able to learn from your parents' heart disease and treatments so that you can take better care of your health now and in the future.
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  • There Are Pros And Cons To Getting Ear Tubes For Your Child

    When your child has ear infection after ear infection, they can feel miserable. It can also cause speech delays because your child can't hear what people are saying clearly. Part of the reason for that is because there is a lot of liquid behind their eardrum that muffles sounds and lets bacteria grow so that your child ends up with an ear infection. If your child gets multiple and chronic ear infections, your doctor may suggest that they get tubes in their ears.
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  • Three Tips To Help You Breastfeed After Returning To Work

    Just when you thought you have settled into a routine with your new baby, it is time to head back to work. Being able to be at home right after having a baby is a great benefit to have, but when the time comes to head back to work, you do not want to change up the baby's routine too much. If you are like many moms, you still want to have the ability to breastfeed your baby even when your routine changes.
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  • Exercise Tips For Hashimoto's Disease Patients

    Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune disease that eventually leads to hypothyroidism in most cases. Hypothyroidism frequently leads to weight gain, and even with a precise balance of medication for your thyroid hormone requirements, that weight can be hard to lose. Here are a few tips to help you take charge of your weight loss along with the support of a local weight loss center. Exercising With Hashimoto's Disease Although many people think that losing weight means hitting the gym really hard right from the start, this isn't the best plan for those with Hashimoto's disease.
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  • Helpful Information About Breast Cancer & Getting Diagnosed

    Do you have a lump in one of your breasts that you are concerned about? It is important for you to get the breast examined by a specialist as soon as possible because lumps are one of the common symptoms that are associated with breast cancer. Take a look at the article below to gain a better understanding about breast cancer and what a specialist might do to diagnose it.
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