3 Non-Surgical Bladder Control Treatments For Stress Incontinence
Posted on: 15 August 2016
Stress incontinence is one of the main bladder control problems that affect women. This condition is when you leak urine from exercising, sneezing, laughing and coughing. It does not occur from mental stress. Stress refers to the pressure that is put on your bladder.
When you have strong pelvic and sphincter muscles, they can handle the pressure from sneezing, laughing, exercising or coughing. On the other hand, weak muscles tend to push out urine from any sudden pressure. The urinary sphincter is the muscle that allows you to hold your urine.
Stress incontinence is a serious and embarrassing disorder. It is not comfortable to know that any pressure put on your stomach and bladder leads to urine escaping. For these reasons, you may want to explore non-surgical bladder control treatments.
Muscle Training With Pelvic Cones
The type of treatment depends on the severity of your symptoms. A conservative approach is often taken when treating stress incontinence. Vaginal cones can help you with strengthening your pelvic floor muscles. They are used with pelvic floor muscle training. It is an exercise program assigned by your doctor to help you control your pelvic muscles.
Vaginal cones are tiny weights that you put inside of your vagina. You must use your pelvic muscles to hold the cone. If you can hold the weight in place, then you can move on to a heavier cone.
Electrical Stimulation
Electrical stimulation is an option when you have trouble contracting your pelvic floor muscles. This treatment uses a device that stimulates and measures the electrical signals in your muscles. It is done by inserting a small probe into the vagina. An electrical current shoots through the probe. This electrical current strengthens your pelvic while you are exercising them.
Electrical stimulation is not the most comfortable treatment option. However, it does help when you are unable to contract your pelvic muscles.
Try Duloxetine
Duloxetine is a medication that increases the muscle tone in your urethra. This medication helps keep it closed. The urethra is the tube that allows urine to pass out of your body.
If your doctor prescribes this medication, then he or she wants to see how your condition reacts to the medication. He might prescribe the medication for a short time and then bring you back in for an evaluation.
The misconception is that incontinence is a natural part of aging. If you are having bladder problems, then it is time to schedule an appointment with your doctor.