
  • When Worms Kill

    You know that when you bring your new puppy home, there's a good chance he or she will have worms. That's what you've heard, anyway. You're not that concerned. The worms will just give him diarrhea and a bloated tummy, and you'll go to the pet store for worm medicine. Right? Wrong. What you don't know can hurt your new pup. In fact, it can kill. Here's what you need to know now, to prevent possible heartache later.
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  • Let A Dermatologist Help You With Your External Yeast Infection

    While yeast infections are generally found in the genital regions of both women and men, they can show up on the skin in just about any part of the body. That can include under the breasts, in the armpits, and even in the belly button. People who are overweight can also find yeast infections in places where there are skin folds.  Yeast Infections Yeast is a type of fungus. Candida is one species of yeast and naturally occurs in your guts and on your skin.
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  • 4 Tips For Choosing A Great Pediatrician

    If you're moving to a new area or are about to have a child, you may be starting to think about finding a new pediatrician. There are many great pediatricians out there, but it can be scary having to make this important decision. If you're unsure of how to get started when choosing a great pediatrician, take a look at the following tips.  Interact with the Pediatrician First When you're first starting to narrow down potential pediatricians, it's a good idea to meet with them ahead of time.
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  • Seeing The World Through Rose-Colored Glasses: How Some Eyeglass Tints Can Help Your Health

    Maybe it's almost time for you to get a new pair of prescription eyeglasses. You've got choices to make about the type of frames and the features of the lenses you want. But you also can determine whether you want a tint on your lenses, and if so, what that should look like. Why have a tint at all? Different tints can help your eyes process information differently. The most common use of a lens tint is to help you reduce light and glare, such as with a brown or gray tint.
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  • Why It Matters What Mouthwash You Use

    If you never stopped to read the label on your mouthwash, you may not be aware that they come in different varieties. Along with different colors, flavors, and proclamations, mouthwashes can also serve completely different purposes. How do you know which one is right for you? Here is what you need to know about selecting a mouthwash. The Two Categories of Mouthwashes Mouthwashes can fall into one of two categories. There are cosmetic mouthwashes that are designed specifically for freshening up your breath temporarily.
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  • How To Make The Day Of A Dental Procedure Go Smoothly For Your Child

    If your child will need to go to the dentist for an operation or procedure, they might be anxious about their upcoming appointment. Anything that you can do to help your child get through a dental procedure with a little fuss as necessary will help. Here are five things that you can do to help your child have a smooth day at the dentist and recovery. 1. Check in With the Dentist
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  • Another Day, Another Headache: Could Your Head Pain Be Caused By An Arteriovenous Malformation?

    While an occasional headache is usually nothing to worry about, persistent headaches that occur on a regular basis can be a symptom of a more serious disorder such as an arteriovenous malformation. Arteriovenous malformations, also known as AVM's, form when blood vessels in the brain that become tangled. When blood vessels connecting veins and arteries become entangled, the normal flow of blood is disrupted to parts of the brain. If left untreated, and AVM can rupture and cause bleeding in the brain or may lead to a stroke.
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  • 3 Ways Laser Surgery Is Used Everyday

    Laser surgery is a very common procedure. In the past years people have perfected the art of laser surgery so that it can be used for a variety of different procedures. Here are a couple things you might not have known that laser surgery could do. 1. LASIK and Laser Eye Surgery One of the most commonly known laser surgeries is for the eye. In this type of surgery the doctor will take a tiny laser and shave off layers of the person's cornea.
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  • Doula, Midwife Or Obstetrician: The Choice Is Yours

    Pregnant women have many options when it comes to designing their perfect birth plan. They are no longer restricted to stringent hospital rules or outdated beliefs about the birthing process. While some moms-to-be forego the hospital setting altogether when the big day arrives, others simply opt to integrate modern birthing techniques into labor. One of the most important decisions is who will assist with the delivery of your new bundle of joy?
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  • Understanding Glaucoma Treatment Options

    Glaucoma is a serious condition where the pressure inside the eye is too high, which can lead to vision loss. Patients are tested for glaucoma during routine eye exams, so it is important to see your eye doctor regularly, as the outcome of treatment for glaucoma is best when it is caught early. If you have been diagnosed with glaucoma, there are several treatment options that eye doctors use to help prevent vision loss and manage the condition.
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