Living With Multiple Sclerosis: Four Ways To Modify Your Home

Posted on: 5 October 2016

Multiple sclerosis can affect your mobility, coordination, balance and your ability to handle daily living functions on your own. While symptoms may be mild at first, they can become more pronounced over time. Adapting your home to make daily living easier can help you to maintain your sense of independence. There are many different things you can do to improve your house or apartment to make it more comfortable for you as you learn to live with MS.
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Four Reasons To Go To Your Chiropractor After Even A Minor Car Accident

Posted on: 20 September 2016

It happens to everyone: a minor fender bender occurs, you exchange insurance information with the other person, and then you both drive away with minimal damage to your cars and no injuries (or so you think). You may not stop after this type of incident and think about actually going to your doctor or chiropractor for a checkup. After all, you feel fine, right? But there are still many reasons why you should make an appointment with a healthcare professional after this type of incident.
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Three Signs That Your Hearing Aids Can No Longer Help You Hear

Posted on: 15 September 2016

If you have been wearing hearing aids for a long time and find that suddenly you do not hear as well as you used to, it may not be your hearing aids at all. Hearing loss continues as you age, and if your parents had progressive, age-related hearing loss, you probably will too. Here are some signs that indicate that your new hearing problems may have nothing to do with your hearing aids and why it is possible that hearing aids may no longer be able to help you.
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Sleeping With A Dog: Is It Really Unhealthy?

Posted on: 31 August 2016

Dog parents frequently sleep with their beloved pets. Although this act is certainly better than sleeping with the fishes, it has critics who insist that it isn't healthy for a variety of reasons. If you have a dog or dogs, should you make them sleep in their own beds? Pros If you love your dog, sleeping with them can offer you a number of emotional benefits. If you are single, having a companion who will snuggle with you can make you feel loved.
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