Are You Suffering From Allergies?

Posted on: 14 February 2017

As you are probably already aware, people can be allergic to all kinds of things. The things they are allergic to, known as allergens, can cause adverse allergic reactions in people who suffer from allergies. Fortunately, though, being aware that you have an allergy can help you to avoid allergens and, thus, feel much better. Sadly, though, many people suffer from allergies without realizing it, and, if left untreated, their allergies only tend to get worse with time.
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How to Treat Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia With Surgery

Posted on: 10 February 2017

If your child is born with a diaphragmatic hernia, then you should be concerned. This condition makes it hard for a baby to breathe after birth. If your baby cannot take in enough oxygen, then it is going to be hard for him or her to stay healthy. Your child is going to have problems with the development of his or her lungs, digestive system and heart. Read on to find out how surgery can improve your child's condition.
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5 Ways To Stay Healthy When You Work With Kids

Posted on: 8 February 2017

If you work with young kids all day in a school or daycare setting, you are going to be exposed directly to more germs than other professions. Young children touch everything and touch you, which can result in the rapid spread of germs. Additionally, working with young children can be highly stressful, which can compromise your immune system. Here are five tips that will help you stay healthy throughout the winter as you work with and around young children.
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Arthritis: What's Causing Your Unexplained Toe Pain?

Posted on: 29 December 2016

When your feet ache or feel sore, it's most likely due to standing on your feet all day. But if your toes hurt, you may wonder why and what you can do about it. Toe pain can occur from several things, including wearing tight shoes that pinch your toes. Your toes may also hurt if you have arthritis in their joints. Here's what you should know about arthritic toe pain and what you can do to treat it.
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