
  • 3 Tips For Getting Through The Last 2 Months Of Your Pregnancy

    As you get further along in your pregnancy, you will notice that your levels of discomfort will likely increase. This is quite normal as your baby is getting bigger and taking up more room in your body. However, don't fret, there are some things that you can do to help with your discomfort for those last two months. Acid Reducers Are Your Friend At this point in your pregnancy you have probably noticed that you get heartburn quite often.
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  • How Can You Tell If Your Child Has Strep Throat?

    Strep throat is a common problem for many children at this time of year. Being able to identify the symptoms of strep throat and knowing what to do if your child gets strep throat can help you take proper care of your child during cold and flu season. How can you tell if your child has strep throat? Strep throat can be difficult to identify because its symptoms (a sore throat, an achy body, and general discomfort) can resemble viral infections.
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  • How A Wellness Center Can Help You Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

    Being overweight is a concern because it seriously affects your health. It helps to understand the problems go beyond heart disease and diabetes. Being overweight also affects your breathing, joints, energy levels, mood and sleep. If you want to lose weight, then you have to make changes to your lifestyle. Read on to find out how a wellness center can help you reach your weight loss goals. Sign Up For A Wellness Program
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  • What Are The Different Treatments For Glaucoma?

    Glaucoma is a serious condition of the eye that can lead to permanent blindness if not treated correctly. It is commonly caused by diabetes which makes the fluid pressure levels in the eye become dangerously high. This damages the optic nerve and can result in vision loss. The type of treatment used for glaucoma depends on how severe the condition is. These are some different ways that glaucoma is treated to keep it from progressing further.
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  • Guaranteeing Patient Care And Providing Appropriate Services - Steps To Take When Installing A Refurbished C-Arm

    Keeping your medical office up to date with the latest and greatest equipment that guarantees your ability to offer the highest level of care possible can be a difficult challenge. Thankfully, medical suppliers have made refurbished c-arms more available than ever before, allowing you to bring procedures in house that you may have previously had to outsource. If you're installing your first c-arm in your office, however, it's important that you take the proper steps to prepare your facility.
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  • Are You Interested In Getting A Tummy Tuck Post Menopause?

    A post menopausal body can pose a challenge for even the most active, fit woman. Even though the scale may stay the same, weight redistributes as people age. Lean muscle and bone mass are lost as part of the aging process, resulting in the body carrying a higher percentage of fat. For most women, during menopause, fat seems to deposit itself in the stomach area. Do you now find yourself in this position and considering a tummy tuck?
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  • Recovering From Total Knee Replacement Surgery

    It takes a lot of work, patience, and time to recover from a total knee replacement surgery. However, the long rehabilitation process keeps scar tissue from affecting your mobility. Learn what to expect on your road to recovery. Short-Term Recovery After your surgery, you'll most likely remain in the hospital for a few days so that the staff can monitor your progress and give you medication to help manage your level of pain.
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  • Preparing For A Colonoscopy: Important Dos And Don'ts

    A colonoscopy is a medical screening that many people will need to have done at some point their lives. Specifically, a colonoscopy refers to a screening of the colon using a long, flexible tube with an attached camera. If you've been told by your doctor that you need to have a colonoscopy done, he or she will provide you with specific guidelines to follow. As a general rule, however, you should also keep some basic dos and don'ts in mind in the days prior to your colonoscopy.
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  • When Worms Kill

    You know that when you bring your new puppy home, there's a good chance he or she will have worms. That's what you've heard, anyway. You're not that concerned. The worms will just give him diarrhea and a bloated tummy, and you'll go to the pet store for worm medicine. Right? Wrong. What you don't know can hurt your new pup. In fact, it can kill. Here's what you need to know now, to prevent possible heartache later.
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  • Let A Dermatologist Help You With Your External Yeast Infection

    While yeast infections are generally found in the genital regions of both women and men, they can show up on the skin in just about any part of the body. That can include under the breasts, in the armpits, and even in the belly button. People who are overweight can also find yeast infections in places where there are skin folds.  Yeast Infections Yeast is a type of fungus. Candida is one species of yeast and naturally occurs in your guts and on your skin.
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