
  • Do I Need Shoulder Surgery?

    If you have suffered a shoulder injury, you might be reluctant to have your shoulder operated on. In some cases, your orthopedist might not recommend that you undergo surgery and may instead recommend that you undergo physical therapy or that you be placed under anti-inflammatory medications. However, there are many reasons why a shoulder surgery might be the best choice. Minor Shoulder Injuries Whether or not you should undergo a shoulder surgery is determined on a case-by-case basis.
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  • About Possible Hearing Loss And Your Child

    Hearing loss isn't something reserved for the elderly. There are a lot of reasons why a little one, or even an older child, can end up with hearing loss. You can learn about some of the things that can cause hearing issues in children, as well as signs that your child may have some hearing loss by reading below. Some of the things that can cause hearing loss Ear infections – Severe ear infections or numerous ear infections can lead to scarring in the inner ear.
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  • Remember These 3 Things When a Group Therapy Peer Seems Ahead of You

    One of the important lessons to remember when you're in a group therapy environment is that it isn't a race. Each of you is trying to resolve whatever issue has brought you into this space, but your goal shouldn't be to rectify the issue before the other participants. Unfortunately, it's easy to be highly competitive, and when you see that one of your peers appears to be making more progress—you could handle this the wrong way.
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  • 3 Tips For Getting Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Under Control

    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a complicated and complex condition that is incredibly hard to live with and can be challenging to treat. This type of condition is considered a type of anxiety disorder that involves obsessive thoughts, which can lead one to display compulsive behaviors in an attempt to relieve stress. If you are living with OCD, you may feel trapped and think that there is nothing that can be done.
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  • Answering Common Questions For Potential Facelift Patients

    A facelift is one of the more common cosmetic procedures individuals undergo. Before a patient is able to make a decision about undergoing a facelift, they will need to be as informed as possible. Otherwise, they may not come to the right decision due to a lack of information or believing common misconceptions about facelift procedures. What Type Of Issues Are Corrected With Facelifts? Wrinkles are easily the most noticeable effect of aging for most people.
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  • 5 Reasons to Consider Investing in Corrective Eye Surgery

    If you're someone who doesn't have perfect vision, you may rely on corrective vision techniques in your daily life. With contacts and glasses, many people just like you can see better each day. While it's nice to have these options, you may get sick of wearing contacts or glasses. Luckily, there are corrective eye surgery solutions available for people like you! Eye surgery can offer many benefits. Here are the reasons to consider investing in corrective eye surgery:
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  • Meeting With A Drug Addiction Counselor: Work On Recovery Skills With Someone You Can Trust Talking To

    If you are working on recovering from a drug addiction, you should be proud of yourself for going through the detox stages and taking the necessary steps to make positive changes in life. As you focus on making certain improvements and avoiding a relapse, you can benefit from meeting with a drug addiction counselor. A drug addiction counselor is a caring, understanding, and compassionate professional who wants to meet with you to help you fight urges, stay on the right path, and keep that optimistic mindset.
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  • How To Help A Loved One With An Opioid Problem

    The country is currently facing the largest opioid epidemic in its history; this can be terrifying for just about anyone. If you have a loved one who is suffering from an opioid addiction, then you may be wondering what you can do to help them. Even though you can't do the work for them, there are a few different things that you can do to help them get through this addiction.
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  • Supplementing Physical Therapy: 3 Things You Can Do at Home

    Physical therapy is no walk in the park. Trying to regain a full range of motion after a surgery or injury can be quite painful and take a seemingly inordinate amount of time. Before you get upset and give up on ever getting back to where you once were, take a deep breathe and read through this list of things you can do at home to supplement your physical therapy.
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  • 3 Underlying Reasons For Chronic Pelvic Pain

    Chronic pelvic pain can be an ongoing problem that never seems to get better, or it can also be the same issue that keeps recurring. In either case, when pelvic pain has been an issue for six months or more, it is considered chronic. Nailing down the issue can be difficult since there are many organ systems that might be responsible. Reproductive And Urinary Ailments Parts of the urinary and reproductive system are located in the pelvic area, which often means either can be responsible for chronic pain.
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