Are You Interested In Getting A Tummy Tuck Post Menopause?

Posted on: 29 December 2015


A post menopausal body can pose a challenge for even the most active, fit woman. Even though the scale may stay the same, weight redistributes as people age. Lean muscle and bone mass are lost as part of the aging process, resulting in the body carrying a higher percentage of fat. For most women, during menopause, fat seems to deposit itself in the stomach area. Do you now find yourself in this position and considering a tummy tuck?

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, might be the answer for you if you want to tighten your abdomen, have a more attractive tummy area, remove some excess fat, and strengthen loosened stomach muscles.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) vs. Liposuction

Liposuction in the tummy area, especially after menopause, may not provide you with the desired results. Liposuction removes pockets of fat but does not address loose or excess skin. Skin loses its elasticity as people age, so simply removing the paunchiness that menopause has brought on may not be enough. Liposuction is likely to leave you with sagging skin.

A tummy tuck removes fat and tightens skin and muscle. Due to the loss of elasticity, your skin is less likely to bounce back from weight loss or fat removal like it may have done in earlier years. This makes a tummy tuck a more viable option for most women who are post menopause.

Proper Care is Still a Must

A tummy tuck is not a replacement for taking care of your body. If you think that a tummy tuck will help you avoid eating properly and exercising, you are mistaken. Not only eating healthy and exercising important for your health, but they are also important when it comes to keeping your new tummy looking good.

If you and your doctor decide that you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck, you will want to make sure that your hormones do not get the best of you down the road. The loss of estrogen that occurs with menopause triggers your body to store fat, especially around the midsection. Some things you can do to help keep this fat at a minimum are:

  • Drink lots of water
  • Keep moving/exercising
  • Keep stress levels at a minimum – stress hormones can cause weight gain
  • Maintain a healthy diet
  • Get a healthy amount of sleep

These tips along with your post-menopausal tummy tuck will help you feel and look great.

For a tummy tuck expert in your area, contact a company such as Body Spectrum Plastic Surgery Center - Bruce R Barton MD.