Supplementing Physical Therapy: 3 Things You Can Do at Home
Physical therapy is no walk in the park. Trying to regain a full range of motion after a surgery or injury can be quite painful and take a seemingly inordinate amount of time. Before you get upset and give up on ever getting back to where you once were, take a deep breathe and read through this list of things you can do at home to supplement your physical therapy.
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3 Underlying Reasons For Chronic Pelvic Pain
Chronic pelvic pain can be an ongoing problem that never seems to get better, or it can also be the same issue that keeps recurring. In either case, when pelvic pain has been an issue for six months or more, it is considered chronic. Nailing down the issue can be difficult since there are many organ systems that might be responsible. Reproductive And Urinary Ailments Parts of the urinary and reproductive system are located in the pelvic area, which often means either can be responsible for chronic pain.
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Beyond The Bump: Other Symptoms Of Testicular Cancer
Most men are aware that if they find a lump in their testicles, they should see a doctor because of the risk of testicular cancer. But not everyone with testicular cancer first notices a bump. Sometimes, there are other testicular cancer symptoms that show up first. Here is a look at a few of them. Swelling One sign of testicular cancer is swelling in the testicle. One testicle may simply feel a little larger or more inflamed than the other.
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Things To Know About Birth Control
Being in a committed relationship sometimes leads to couples being less careful when it comes to having protected sexual intercourse. A committed relationship doesn't necessarily mean that a couple is ready to have children, but sometimes pregnancy occurs unexpectedly if birth control isn't always used. If you and your partner just had a child that was conceived unexpectedly and want to prevent the situation from happening again, it is important to consider birth control.
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How To Help Your Child Prepare For Booster Vaccines
Children receive their first vaccines as infants, so they don't remember the experience. However, preschoolers do have the ability to comprehend getting a needle, and many can be afraid. Parents can do a lot to help their kids feel more comfortable and confident about getting booster immunizations. Here are some things you can do with your child to help them get ready. 1. Watch shows or read books about getting vaccines.
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Have Sleep Apnea? What You Can Do
If you have recently been thinking that you suffer from sleep apnea, you may find yourself wondering what you can and should do to deal with the situation. Get to know some of the facts about the condition as well as the sleep apnea treatments. Then, you can better determine how you are going to handle and manage the situation going forward. Sleep Study to Diagnose Sleep Apnea When you think you might have a sleep disorder like sleep apnea, you may want to self-diagnose.
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How Physical Examinations Can Help Your Child With Maintaining A Healthy Weight
Physical inactivity has become a silent killer in our society. Children activity levels are dropping before they even leave grade school. You can blame it on this digital dependence age. Children are living a more sedentary lifestyle. They are spending more time playing video games, on the computer and on their smartphones. Read on to find out how physical examinations can help your child with maintaining a healthy weight. Limit Your Child's Screen Time
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3 Reasons Your Feet May Be Aching
Your feet put on a lot of miles over the course of your lifetime. The feet are amazingly complex for as comparatively small as they are. They have to be since they carry your entire weight around. Each foot has 33 joints, 26 bones, and over 100 different ligaments, muscles, and tendons. It is understandable, then, for people to have occasional foot pain. Here is a look at some common conditions that may be causing your foot problems.
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Did Your Last Child Move Out Of The House? 3 Tips For Coping With Empty Nest Syndrome
The day your last child moves out of the house is a momentous occasion, and it is common to discover that you have mixed emotions. On one hand, you may be excited to enjoy this next phase of watching your child progress into adulthood. However, it's also a big transition anytime someone moves out of your home. Having your last child move out represents a significant change in your role as a parent, and you can use these tips to cope with the challenges that come with adjusting to life with an empty nest.
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Potential Ways That You Can End Up With Sacrum Pain
When people think of back pain, they often think of discomfort in the lower back, or perhaps even the middle or upper back. The area that they may overlook, however, is the sacrum, or tailbone. Located below your lower back, it's possible to end up with pain in this part of your body — and it can be highly uncomfortable, given that it feels deep. Sacrum pain can make it difficult to sleep, and you may even feel discomfort when you're walking or sitting.
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