A Look At Common Myths About Baby Teeth
Posted on: 4 February 2015
If you're like most adults, you probably don't remember what it was like to have baby teeth in your mouth rather than your sturdier, There are a lot of myths surrounding these baby teeth, including the myth that it's not important to take care of baby teeth since they fall out anyways. However, decaying baby teeth may fall out prematurely, leading to abnormalities in the way the adult teeth erupt. Here's a look at four other myths about those little chompers.
Myth #1: Natural fruit juice is a better choice for baby teeth than soda.
Actually, fruit juice is high in sugar, too. The bacteria that feed on sugar and cause tooth decay don't care whether or not sugar is natural – the sugar in juice is just as good as the sugar in soda, as far as they're concerned. You can protect your child's baby teeth from decay by only allowing him or her to drink water between meals, and by helping your child brush teeth after every meal.
Myth #2: Flossing isn't important for baby teeth.
Some adults assume that because the spaces between their children's baby teeth are wider, they don't need to floss. However, it is unlikely that there are spaces between every one of your child's teeth. Unless he or she has the mouth the size of a giant, some of the teeth are touching, and flossing between these ones is essential for fighting off cavities.
Myth #3: It's okay for your child to yank out a baby tooth that's just starting to become a little loose.
It's actually best to let the teeth begin to slowly loosen and fall out on their own. The teeth become looser as they are slowly pushed out by the adult teeth. If you pull out the baby tooth before the adult tooth has moved far enough down, the adult tooth may come in crooked. This habit may also increase the risk of a gum infection.
Myth #4: You need to be really careful that your child doesn't swallow a baby tooth that falls out.
Many parents and their kids are equally as fearful of swallowing a baby tooth, when actually, this should not be a concern. The swallowed tooth will just pass through your child's digestive system.
Caring for your child's baby teeth and knowing how to react when he or she begins losing them is essential. Make sure you take your child to the dentist for regular checkups beginning before the first birthday, and don't be afraid to ask your dentist for the truth behind any other baby tooth myths you might hear. For more information, contact a business such as Smile Designers Family Dentistry.